Nashville Public Television recently
shared the wonderful news that its Tennessee Civil War 150 documentary series earned two Midsouth Regional Emmy® Awards for '
Crisis of Faith' and '
No Going Back: Women and the War.'
My wife, Traci Nichols-Belt, was among several scholars interviewed for the documentary, 'Crisis of Faith,' so we're especially honored to have had a small part in this outstanding achievement.
We would like to extend a special congratulations to Justin Harvey, who interviewed Traci for the documentary, and who asked some especially insightful questions during the interview. The conversation was engaging, and we think the final product certainly deserved this well-earned recognition. Well done!
NPT's Justin Harvey interviews Traci Nichols-Belt for "Crisis of Faith." |
Here's a promotional excerpt of 'Crisis of Faith' which originally aired on Nashville Public Television in June of 2012...
Traci Nichols-Belt is the author of Onward Southern Soldiers: Religion and the Army of Tennessee in the Civil War, published by The History Press. Traci holds a Master's degree in public history from Middle Tennessee State University and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Anderson University. Her principal research interest is the Civil War, with a particular focus on the impact of religion on the military. Traci has appeared on radio and television to speak about the role of religion in the Civil War, and she has had her writings published in the Tennessee Historical Quarterly and in The New York Times Civil War blog, Disunion.